Thu, Dec 31 2009 - Kennesaw Mountain Morning Fitness Hike - Intermediate to Advanced Hikers (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Danny
Participants:Danny, Sandra D, Bindu, Karen B, Gray, Mark S., Michael Hartley, Lisa Weaver, Debbie H

Write Up:
It was still raining at 7:30 this morning, but by the time we got started just a bit after 8:00 the rain had pretty much ended.  The fog was very thick, however, and when we got to the parking lot just below the summit of Big Kennesaw, the visibility was very low.  The humidity was high, but the temperature was in the 40's, so conditions were actually pretty nice for hiking.  A couple of people arrived a bit late, but they caught up with us at Burnt Hickory Road just prior to us getting started on the extra 3.5 mile loop.  Before long we were heading back up Pigeon Hill and on our way back because the pace was fast.  We took a small break at General French's rock.  To learn more about General French's Rock from General French himself, just google ("General French" "Kennesaw Mountain"), then you should see a link entitled: "Battles and sketches of the Army of Tennessee - Google Books Result".  Click on that and it will show you pages in a book that were taken from General French's writings about the Civil War.  He mentions the rock.

It started raining a little bit again when we crested Big Kennesaw the second time, but it didn't last long and didn't consist of much.  When we got back to the visitor's center, everyone seemed to have gotten the hike they were looking for.

If you want to take a look at the route we took, take a look at Scott Sander's mapping of the trek from a couple of weeks ago.  The only difference is that we took the loop on top of Little Kennesaw to go by General French's rock today, but we didn't do that a couple of weeks ago when Scott was mapping it out.

Here is a link to Scott's map: