Sat, Jun 17 2023 - Gregory Bald Azalea Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Aaron, Steve H
Participants:Steve H, Aaron, A-M, Greg Pharo, Paresh, ming ze, Clay, Steve T

Write Up:

Another great day in the Smokies! Seven strong hikers and one pup, braved the early morning to tackle one of the classic loops in the park in hopes of seeing the iconic flame azaleas. The weather was near perfect, and we left the nearly fulltwenty mile ranger station eager for a great day on the trail. This one didn't disappoint. A long ascent and finally reaching the top of the bald only a few azaleas were visible, and a bit hazy for great views but a great lunch at the summit nonetheless. While there, we witnessed a wedding proposal. Picking up speed on the return trip, the group decided to stop at a falls to cool off and take a short break from hiking. Then, a mile back to our cars and a successful conclusion to a wonderful day.