Thu, Jul 20 2023 - Piedmont Park Exploration (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Laurie M
Participants:Laurie M, Julie McC, Shelley, LG, Richard Sims

Write Up:

We had a great hike this morning at Piedmont Park. Parking was abundant on the street at the SE corner of the park. We walked all over the park, seeing lots of squirrels having a morning snack and more ducks than we could count. We stopped to examine a few statues and pieces of art. We walked by the Botanical Garden and saw one of the giant troll sculptures. We tried to walk on the undeveloped portion of the beltline just north of the park, but apparently it is now being developed. We still had a little time left after we had covered the park, so we headed south into midtown and saw some beautiful homes before returning to our cars. It was a great morning spent exploring this wonderful park.

Thanks to Larry for joining us on his very first AOC hike!