Tue, Sep 12 2023 - Atlanta Botanical Garden - Trolls! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Laurie M
Participants:Laurie M, Taffy M, Mike C, Julie McC, Shelley, Bruce R., RhondaW, Marcy

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Write Up:

What an incredible morning we had at the Botanical Garden! The garden is so beautiful that we ended up spending a lot longer there than we expected. Everything was gorgeous, and we especially enjoyed the six gigantic, extremely charming and loveable Trolls. Also, the Earth Goddess is stunning! 

The Trolls are only there for a few more days, so if you haven't seen them yet, hopefully you can go check them out soon.

A special welcome to new AOC members Taffy, Rhonda, and Bruce! And thanks to Marcy for joining us on her third event!

Thanks so much to Mike for taking tons of pictures and posting 127(!) of them for us to enjoy!

P.S. Looks like you have to be logged in to facebook to see them.