Mon, Jul 31 2023 - Evening Hike Vickery Creek- Oxbo Road (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay, Mahsheed K.
Participants:Horhay, Mahsheed K., Stacey Schoppenhorst, Lauri Fellman, Jay L, Elizabeth, Irina D, ThomasB

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Write Up:

Some were old, some were new, some were borrowed but none were blue!

This was a brisk and wonderful hike through Vickery Creek. We moved along up and over a few hills, down to the beautiful waterfall where we saw some happy swimmers, and back to Oxbo Road.

The weather was hot but we stopped once or twice to hydrate.

Horhay kept us in the right direction and back on time.

Thanks everyone for a wonderful evening.

And welcome Thomas on your first AOC hike!

Hope to gather again with this wonderful group of hiking friends.
