Thu, Aug 17 2023 - Backpack Training Event at Vickery Creek (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay
Participants:Horhay, Jay L, Stacey Schoppenhorst, Chuck M

Write Up:

Another perfecct day to train for some epic backpacking was just the 10# warm up at 3.3 miles/hr pace...but that MAY slow down a bit as the weigh increases each week (FYI, I did have my Climbing Gear bag on my back so that's right at 35#, so no excuses :P ). Anyway great effort by all...unfortunately the optional AB's afterwards were cancelled as we I had rush home to say good bye to our beautiful, precious and sweet lil love bug named ZIGGY. We'll toast her memory next week. REST IN PARADISE Lil Ziggy Stardust! 


Ziggy Stardust