Thu, Sep 14 2023 - Backpack Training Event at Vickery Creek (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay
Participants:Horhay, Stacey Schoppenhorst, Sarah, Mahsheed K., William S., Chuck M

Write Up:

Many thanks for everyone coming out, the rain stayed away from N. Fulton - so as promised - the SHOW MUST GO ON! Big thanks for William seeing the Copperhead on the trail along Hog Wallow Creek (near Groveway park) hopefully it doesn't send anyone to the ER or a fur baby to the Vet...and thankfully it is not this timber rattler that Mahsheed was showing us a photo of b4 the event!! 

Stats on STRAVA but the short & sweet of it was 6 miles, 1h54m, 3.2 mph pace, 6 bada$$es with packs!


NEXT WEEK reg is opening at 11:11