Sat, Jan 20 2024 - New Date What Does It Take To Maintain Our Trails? (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Mark A, Jay L

Write Up:

Jay and Mark braved the cold to attend this training event along with an individual that heard about the event and attended, and several Trail Club Crew Leaders taking this as a refresher course. We started at 8:30 with the temperature about 13 degrees. Meeting in the maintenance office vice the tool shed to stay warm we did the standard workday safety brief modified with the new OSHA safety requirements. From here we hiked about two thirds of a mile up the mountain stopping to discuss various issues as we passed them. The positive thing about the hike was that we warmed up quickly apart from faces.

After coming back down, we took a quick break at the visitor center while I set up my laptop for the classroom portion of the class. The class started with introductions, followed by Amanda, the ranger in charge of volunteers, welcoming everyone and discussing park rules for volunteers. Mike then covered in depth the changes to volunteers due to the new OSHA rules. Next came the textbook part of Trail Maintenance followed by questions.

Overall, there were some great questions from this group.
