Tue, Nov 7 2023 - Indoor Climbing @ SSK (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay, Jim W
Participants:Jim W, Horhay, ThomasB, Stacey Schoppenhorst, Jay L, Karolin M., Ashley J, Nicole Crimm, Sarah, Alex O

Write Up:

Stone Summit Kennesaw 11/7/2023:

We had a lot of fun last night.

First thing we welcomed two new folks to the climbing crew...Nicole & ThomasB. Both took off like they had been climbing with us all along, and stayed until they kicked us out of the place at 10pm.

We all took turns belaying each other moving around all over the place. I think everyone got a really good workout in. I know I'm sore.

'til next time-
