Mon, Nov 20 2023 - Monday Morning at Jones Bridge (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Drew W, Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Drew W, SusanF, Allan S, Bette, Shirley W, Trevor W, Lee W, Kian, Linda L, Luisa Sztern

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Write Up:

First, I want to thank Joyce for agreeing to co-lead this hike with me. She is always there to help and offer helpful suggestions whenever needed. Also a big thanks to Joyce, Lee and Bette for the photos that accompany this writeup.

The weather today was great for hiking. It was partly cloudy with temperatures in the mid 50's. We covered 5.5 miles in 2 hours 18 minutes which was very close to schedule. We had a great group of 11 hikers, all of whom were able to maintain the pace. There was a lot of conversation and laughter on the hike which made it more fun.  

Thank you to all who attended my 1st co-lead hike, and I hope to see you all again on my next one (if they let me).

