Tue, Nov 28 2023 - Indoor Climbing at SSA (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay, Jim W
Participants:Jim W, Mark K, Horhay, Stacey Schoppenhorst, Jay L, Bill, Luis, Hailey S, Alex Donadel, Sarah, Ashley J, Adam N, Drea, Alex O, Allison G

Write Up:

We had a big crew last night at SSA climbing away, including new comers to the crew and club Hailey S, Drea, and Allison G.
To my eye everyone seemed to be working hard testing themselves to find thier limit, and maybe push it a little beyond...

'til next time- Jim W.


As for Horhay - I can say we all kicked some butt Tuesday and it was awesome having THREE BRAND NEW MEMBERS join us...hope to see you all back soon. A special thanks to Moiez (Mark K) for super unflattering photo of me from 40' up! LOL...please delete that image! 
Alex O, glad to your back out there with us, hope you continue to heal & get stronger that the rocks we climb on!

Cheers y'all! See you next Tuesday at Kennesaw!