Wed, May 5 2010 - Kennesaw Mountain Cinco De Mayo Power Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Alan Stephens, Danny
Participants:Danny, Alan Stephens, Jon Miner, Alan Seitman, Andy, Ralph Howard, Melanie Dawn, Marcia

Write Up:
Everyone arrived anxious to hit the mountain for a great hike. We departed the visitor center shortly before 6 pm. The group stayed together on the way up. Even though the temperature and humidity were higher than the week before it was still a great time for a workout. Even though we had stayed together on the way up we were spread out on the way from Big Kennesaw down to Pigeon Hill. As I was going down I noticed that there were more people out on the trail than the previous week.

After a short break at Burnt Hickory Rd we headed back over the mountain. Even though we kept a moderate pace through most of the hike we made it back to the visitor center shortly after 8pm. As someone said when the group met at the visitor center after our hike. There were no slackers on this hike.

Alan Stephens  ( co-lead)