Sun, Mar 10 2024 - Into the Woods of FIVE Decatur Parks (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce B.
Participants:Joyce B., Kian, Laurie M, Lianne White, Joyce T., Carl J, Aaron Lee, Adel, Laura, Amy, Neetu V, Gabe L, Gary G

Write Up:

The time has lept forward but winter is still hanging in there. Most of us never got around to de-layering due to the wind that kept kicking up. It was nonetheless a fine hike on what turned out to be a beautiful day after a nasty one. An unfortunate result of all the rain was we were unable to cross to Ira Melton park. The water was running just a litle too high. We still got in 8.4 miles at a 2.8 mph pace. Welcome again to Laura on her first hike, but second AOC event. (She joined us for the volunteer work day last week.)