Mon, Apr 15 2024 - Trails of Mason Mill Park, Lullwater Preserve, and Hahn Woods (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Chuck M
Participants:Chuck M, Laura M, Christina, Teresa Libbey, Andrea, t Om, Linda L, Mary Reed, Deanna, Autumn H

Write Up:

We had perfect weather and a great group of hikers for this morning's hike on the trails of Mason Mill, Lullwater Preserve, and Hahn Woods. And trail conditions were perfect! We got to welcome Autumn as a brand new AOC member, and welcome back still-new hikers Andrea and Deanna. And on the other end we had Tom who is closing in on 900 events! And hopefully, no one got poison ivy, which has already made itself known. We got the feeling of remoteness right in town, as well as experiencing creeks, pine forest, and hardwood forest. A very nice hike all around!
