Wed, Apr 24 2024 - Going with the Flow to the Dam (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Horhay
Participants:Horhay, Joe Baiyor, William S., Will S., Joel

Write Up:

4 others joined me this evening (ONE NEW AOC Member - Will S. WELCOME!!!) and it started off with a good curent and cool, clear waters! As we passed "The Lodge" we saw AOC member Marina meditating on her neighborhood of course I had to go interrupt that! LOL, she was just chillin out..good to see ya!
Once we got in over near Gold Branch we looked for Eric P's hiking group, but all we saw was a heard of deer scampering thru ankle deep waters (which some of us had to egress our boats to manage getting thru that section, as Morgan Falls began a massive release. After that it was 1,2, 3 maybe 4 Beaver sighting as we paddled into the pond area near the dam....I have never seen so much mud in that section in all my 22 years in the area! 

I'll post up some pics on the socials...thanks for joining me y'all!