Thu, Apr 25 2024 - Eastside Beltline to Krog Street Market - Walk and Dinner (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Laurie M
Participants:Laurie M, Caitlin Stark, Julie McC, Aaron Lee, Shelley, Gerrilyn, Marcy, Jaime, Mari Anne

Write Up:
Incredible weather this evening for our walk on the Beltline. We headed south from the SE corner of Piedmont Park and went past Krog Street Market to see some big metal sculptures and walk through the Krog Street Tunnel. Then we returned to Krog Street Market for dinner. It wasn’t crowded this evening, so we were able to get a big table to share. After dinner, we walked back north to our starting point. It was a gorgeous evening to be outside. Welcome to Mari Anne and Jaime on their first AOC event!