Mon, May 6 2024 - Moderate Six-Miler on the Roswell Boardwalk (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Lyn S, Pam Y, Suzanne, Gloria Colley, Luisa Sztern, Susanne Muntzing, Angela, Jay L, Joy, Deema

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Write Up:

We were so lucky that the predicted rain for today never materialized. Instead, we had a warm, sunny, but humid morning. How nice to be able to get Gloria's 600th event completed.

We. had a great group, with Susan (Suzanne on profile) as a brand new member. Luiza introduced her to the club.

The 6 mile walk was very pleasant. Not too many people on the boardwalk this morning, and some interested animal sightings.

We celebrated Gloria's 600th with popsicles after the hike. ~ Joyce