Sat, Jun 8 2024 - KMNBP Trails Work Days - New Bridge at Gilbert Road & the 24 Gun Trail (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C
Participants:Mike C, Joyce T., Mark A

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We drove to the Gilbert Road Parking Lot and parked in the field across from the trailhead going to the 24 Gun Trail. The wood had been staged the day before for the new bridge only a few feet from the work area. After signing in we started work with 5 other volunteers and 13 crew leaders on the bridge at the end of the 24 Gun Trail. Some of us trimmed bushes and trees, the rest worked on the new bridge and built a berm. Three hours and fifty minutes later with the old rotting 7’*14’ removed and the new heavy duty 8’*16’ was in place we posed for a group picture on the new bridge.
