Sun, Jul 14 2024 - Sawnee Mountain - 11 miler (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Kip
Participants:Kip, Antoinette, Brian K., Amanda K, Linda L, Lianne White, Sunnie, Tonya Toland, Ed, Jenny P, Timmy Liu, Trish, Fay, Lisa Maldonado

Write Up:

Sawnee Mountain was very warm today. We had some relief from the heat at Indian Seats and on top of the mountain, but the air was still and hot for most of the hike. 

We had one hiker (a very strong hiker) who was effected by the heat and some dehydration.  A non-AOC hiker called the local ambulance corp out of an abundance of caution.  Most of our team stayed with her until the ambulance corp transported her down the mountain - we were only 1/4 mile from the visitor center.

She was fine and needed no treatment, but it was very clear that we all need to hydrate well and pace ourselves on these long summer hikes.