Sun, Aug 1 2010 - Cartecay River - Hike and Swim (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Kristi
Participants:Jason, Suzanne, Scott, Bill Phillips, Na, Trish, Michelle S., Janice H, Andrea S., Nancy L, Phyllis Melton, Sarah H, Kristi, Grant Brown, Chris H

Write Up:
We had a fun day hiking and swimming at the Cartecay River this past Sunday. At the trail head, a few folks indicated that they'd be up for hiking a longer hike since there are several routes from this location.  The group was polled - everyone wanted to hike the longer options - and we started off on from the River Loop, intersected the Boy Scout Loop, the Red/White loop and back to the River Loop, where after about four miles came to the point in the river where we spent a couple hours swimming and playing in the cool water. We had the spot all to ourselves and it seemed like a very special place (and it was!).

Sarah gets the prize for bringing the best water toys - a Frisbee, inner tube, waterproof camera. Grant shared some great homemade hummus, pita, and organic lollipops. A couple groups of kayakers paddled by, some flipping over in the small rapid, giving us extra entertainment. We all dipped in the water, swam, sat on various rocks, took photos, chatted and enjoyed each other's company amongst the wonderful backdrop and atmosphere of rushing water, clear sunny skies and lush Appalachian forest.  So relaxing and reviving.

After a while we packed up and headed up the steep slope out of the river valley, continuing on the River Loop. The walk back was about 1 mile; it seemed a lot longer due to the extreme heat, but we all took our time.

Thanks everyone for a really great time and experience.
