Mon, Jan 27 2025 - Monday Morning on the 24 Gun Trail at Kennesaw Mountain (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Mike C, Joyce T.
Participants:Stephen F., Akil T, Joyce T., Mike C, Lee W, Jennifer W, Neil, Marge R, Pam Y, Isa M

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A rather drizzly morning at first, but turning into just an overcast, damp day. The trails were damp, but not muddy, so we were able to complete both the Environmental Trail and the 24 Gun Trail without incident. Mike stopped several times to give some history of the park and the work being done there.

The group separated when we returned to the Environmental Trail, with most of the participants opting to make another loop around trail.

We were happy to welcome Isa into the AOC (on her first hike), and three others are still "newbies" - - Marge, Stephen, and Akil. All are strong hikers! - Joyce