Sat, Nov 6 2010 - Nantahala Gorge to Cheoah Bald (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Scott Looper, Danny
Participants:Danny, Marcus, Jon Miner, Caroline, Clay White, Terry, gail, Marshall, Eva, Scott Looper, patricia, Pam G, Ann, Ralph Howard, Gail S, Steve W, patti, Stefan, brenda, Duane B

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Write Up:
It was wonderful.  The more we climbed, the deeper the snow became and the harder the going went.  This climb is arguably (and people do argue about it) the hardest climb on the whole AT.  Others that compete are the climb up Albert Mountain from Mooney Gap and the climb up Roan Mountain from Hughes Gap.  I don't care really.  I like them all and don't want to argue about it.

We were blessed with new snow for most of the hike and it was quite cold.  I was glad that it stayed below freezing for the most part so that the snow and rime ice didn't turn into rain for us.

I guess if there was a D6 rating for hikes, I might edit this event and change it because the snow and slippery conditions while under such a steep ascent made this hike a bit harder to accomplish than the standard D5 it was defined as.

I think everyone had a great time and experienced a great challenge.  I know that everyone got their hikes in!
