Sun, Aug 22 2010 - Sunday Kennesaw Mountain Power Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Danny
Participants:Danny, Melanie Dawn, Scott Sanders, Elizabeth, David Thompson, Duane B, Cristina, Andy, Cindy, patti, Helena F, Michael, Marcia, Tanja B, Kristi, Marshall

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Write Up:
The humidity was around 100% when we started this morning because we were in a cloud.  We actually broke out above the cloud near the top of Big Kennesaw.  Then we got back into it on the way down the other side.  So this was a hike where you sweated nearly the entire time.  Great way to lose a few pounds in short order (at least until you tank back up again :-)  All seasoned hikers in the group today, so there was no messing around.  Almost everyone opted for the 8.5 mile version of the hike, so we just powered it on and got back to the visitor's center around 11 as planned.  I thought it was a little cooler than in recent weeks, and the small breeze felt really nice just at the right times.  It was a great morning for hiking!  We'll have to try it again sometime.