Sun, Sep 19 2010 - Trekking Fitness Workout - CHANGE OF LOCATION! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Jessica, Scott Looper
Participants:Jessica, Marcus Shapiro, Jeff, Vern K, Katie S, Eva, Brittany, Clay White, Anya Tu, Rafiq, Kristi, Vish

Write Up:
Everyone will agree that the Trekking Fitness workout was extremely difficult, but fun and rewarding in the end. Marcus took us through all the possible stages of an extreme trek and summit, preparing our bodies for each step along the way. Modifications and "twists" on traditional exercises made use of muscles vital for protecting ourselves on tough climbs, but rarely used in most peoples' exercise routines (jogging, biking, etc.). The order of exercises simulated the steep climb, scrambling, and more technical climbs on a trek. We also completed movements that simulated one leg slipping, stengthening the hips and lead leg to "save" us from a fall. Even "descending" the mountain was a tough experience, but most people don't realize the physical strain and danger inherent in the descent. We were all sweating and exhausted at the end, but most of the group was eager to know when we will hold the next class.