Fri, Jan 21 2011 - Island Ford - Chattahoochee NRA (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Holley M
Participants:Holley M, Kimberlyb425, Lisa Ward, Sharon, Chris H, James Bishop

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What a beautiful day for a hike at the river! It was a bit of a chilly start, but as we hiked up to the ridge off the main river trail, we all warmed up quite quickly. We then headed up and across the ridge, over to the parking lot at the trailhead of the new loop section for a short rest. The sunlight was very pretty as it filtered through the trees, so we stopped periodically on the loop trail for photos. We then headed back to rocks on the main river trail. where some opted to head back to their cars. As it was still very cold, those of us that did venture out onto the rocks did not stay long! But all-in-all it was a gorgeous day to be outside for a brisk hike.