Sun, Jan 30 2011 - Kennesaw Mountain East/West trail (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Kim
Participants:Kim, Ray R, Andy, Cindy, James L, Kristen M, April C, Connie, Alison W.

Write Up:
The day started out cool but comfortable; it was just under 50 degrees at start time.  Despite a forecast of clouds, it turned out to be a mostly sunny day, with temps in the high 60's.  There were lots of people on the trails, due to the great weather.  We hiked along the East Trail from the Visitor Center, taking the West Trail to Dallas Hwy., after crossing the wooden bridge.  Furry hiking members Katie and Chelsea had a brief, but fun, dip in the creek at the bridge.

We stopped at the Illinois Monument for snacks and water, and a short break.
We then did an extra mile or so hiking around the monument and over to Cheatham Hill Road.
On the way back, we took the East trail until after crossing the wooden bridge again, this time coming out on the West Trail at Burnt Hickory. 
The climb up Pigeon Hill was a bit of a challenge for some, before turning off to reconnect with the East trail once again.

Everyone seemed happy to be getting outside in this great weather after a rough couple of wintry months, and we got in a decent hike of about 12 miles- with one stop- in 4 hours.