Fri, Jan 28 2011 - Sunny afternoon hike: East Palisades (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Angela
Participants:Angela, Chris H, Marlene, Michelle D

Write Up:

We had a great hike this sunny afternoon! There wasn't a single cloud for miles and the skies were the deepest of blues that seemed to go on forever.  Although we kept a moderate pace throughout we did pause a few times for photo opportunities.  How could you not on a day like this?  : ) 

We saw a young heron basking in the sunlit waters of the Chattahoochee seemingly unfazed by the quackery of the nearby Canadian geese who frequently turned upside down in the water leaving their backsides exposed as they sought out several fish passing by.

The magnificent red-shouldered hawk graced the open skies above us, catching thermals as she soared higher and higher.  The local songbirds tweeted their happy tunes as they flitted to and fro in the trees below.  All of nature seemed to rejoice upon this spring like afternoon!