Sat, Apr 2 2011 - Explore Crownover Saltpeter Cave (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Dianne, Katherine Bennett
Participants:Katherine Bennett, kathleen, Garth E, Tammie, Kerri, Sam, Randall, Chintan, Rachel, Dianne, Mayank Patel

Write Up:
We had a blast exploring an old saltpeter mining cave today. We crawled through some cool passages & also flexed our rock climbing skills. I was impressed at how well everyone navigated through the cave.

This is definitely a great cave for beginners (or for anyone who likes to cave).

Thanks to Dianne for co-leading the trip with Katherine. She was a much welcome addition at the last minute!

After our caving event, we stopped at Sugar's BBQ in Chattanooga for a delicious dinner. Outside the restaurant is a field where goats live/graze & we enjoyed checking them out/feeding them. If you are ever in Chattanooga, then I would suggest dining here.