Sat, May 7 2011 - Triple C Trip (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Angela
Participants:Angela, Pepsi L

Write Up:
We embarked upon our voyage down the Chattahoochee underneath bright blue skies without a single cloud in sight. Hawks and falcons delighted in the thermals as they soared overhead. Canada geese made their way through the greenish blue waters searching for food followed closely by their furry new goslings. Trout jumped and flipped out of the water as if to taunt the fishermen nearby. The waters ran so clear on this day that you could spot fish swimming swiftly in the currents as we paddled down the river.

We removed several pieces of plastic, tires, cans, bottles, and even signs that had been washed away by rising waters past. It was a beautiful day on the river and we left it much cleaner than we found it.