Thu, May 26 2011 - West Palisades - After Work Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Scott, Laura
Participants:Scott, Laura, Chris H, Nora, Rafiq, Mike Dethloff, Shane Sutton, Herman, Jason B, Pepsi L

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Write Up:

Storm clouds rolled through as we waited for the rest of the group to arrive. Teasing us with a respite from the downpours that dogged commuters, the clouds could not deter us from our travels. As we began our evening's journey, one member thought better of his decision and turned back only to be replaced by an intrepid rookie who caught up with us on the far side of the I-75 overpass. Through standing water, steady downpours, flowing rivulets, and the occasional reptile (what were most likely a box turtle and a brown or northern water snake), everyone kept good spirits and had a grand, if soaking wet, time.

- Write-up by Chris H