Thu, Aug 11 2011 - Shady Cool Biking - Part 2 (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Eddy, Jacquie M.
Participants:Jacquie M., Eddy, Charles W, Stan, Louise, Tracy S

Write Up:

What a complete BUNGLE!!!  How very amusing - we all had a good laugh and a good lesson in communicating!!  There were a small handful of us on this lovely evening ride through the trees and when we'd gotten to the far side where we turned around to come back we split into two groups, the slower and faster riders.  The faster riders decided to loop back around behind the slower and catch them from behind.  But even after the third loop the slower group was no where to be found!  Seems they'd scooted way ahead!  And when we called the other group we all misunderstood where the other group was!!!  Well, eventually we all had the ride we were looking for, Pat enjoyed her ride and Tracey impressed us all with her bravery and Stan whipped through the trees with ease and Charles kept a cool head through it all.  And Eddy, after huffing and puffing and deciding since I was BEHIND him and not scooting off ahead after all, smiled and giggled, too.  Was fun - will definately offer this cool trip again!