Sun, Mar 11 2012 - Beginner: Blankets Creek Mtn Biking (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Colin S
Participants:Colin S, Joe, Jen K, pk, Will, Gloria, Kevin

Write Up:
Wow! What a beautiful day for a mountain bike ride in the woods.

With the exception of 1 rider, we all met in the parking lot next to Blankets Creek. Or, Blankets as the "locals" call it. Blankets is a very popular Mountain Bike trail system and on a nice weekend the parking lot is always full. Luckily, the Sixes Presbyterian Church next door allows us to park in their parking lot (just remember they need it for their services on Sunday mornings). After waiting a bit for our missing rider, we headed to the skills area at the trailhead.

While doing introductions and a bit of skills talk, we get to meet our missing rider. They had managed to find a parking space at the trailhead and had been looking for us. My fault, I think I need to make the meeting location a bit more clear next time. So after a bit more introductions and skills talk, we headed out onto Mosquito Flat for a warm up lap and to assess our abilities. Everyone was feeling good, so we did another lap then we headed to Mosquito Bite. Mosquito Bite has a bit more challenge. While we did have one rider feel a bit of "bite" on Mosquito Bite, all was good and we spent some more time on Mosquito Flat and Mosquito Bite.

We stopped often to let everyone catch up and catch our breath. This Mountain Biking stuff can wear you out.

As we got towards the end of the allotted time for the event, some of us headed over the Dwelling Loop, an intermediate trail. A couple of others choose to practice more on the Mosquito trails and a few needed to head out. I was with the Dwelling Loop group. We made it an easy pace, stopped to catch our breath when needed, seemed to fly down the descents, pedaled hard up the ascents, and had a good time riding the singletrack of the Dwelling Loop.

Once done with Dwelling, we met back up with the group riding Mosquito and sat around chatted for a while. Then it was time to head home.

Wow! What a beautiful day for a mountain bike ride in the woods...with new AOC friends.