Sun, May 20 2012 - Sunday Morning Jones Bridge Hike (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Courtney H, Tom H
Participants:Tom H, Courtney H, Barbara, Marion, Jackie Ernst, John C, Jennifer S, Maria I, Barbara, Martin L Weil, Candi, Erica B, Sunnie, Ayo, Dennis

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Write Up:

Sunday morning was a beautiful day for a hike in the woods and along the Chattahoochee River. This was my solo lead to become a full fledged AOC Trip Leader, and I was happy to be at one of my favorite places (Jones Bridge) with my co-leader Courtney and such a great group of hikers. Thanks to all of you for joining me on this fun event.

It was warm and sunny, and we enjoyed the shade on large portions of the hike. The breeze and cooler temperature along the river were nice, too. We managed to work up a sweat on the 2 hour, 5.5 mile hike. Everyone got a good workout and still managed to stop several times for photo ops.

Thanks to Courtney for taking our group shots. Dennis, we hope you share your photos with us. They’re always great, and we’ll be happy to include them in our Picasa album or as a separate link.

Courtney and I plan to lead many more Jones Bridge hikes, so please keep your eyes open for them.