Sun, Feb 17 2013 - Watch the Sun Set from Stone Mountain (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Billy Gewin
Participants:Annalise, Billy Gewin, Heidi W., Thomas W., Tom Jarosz (Yah-rosz), kelly, Brigitte, Norma A, Lisa

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We had a perfect sunset today on Stone mountain. It was cold up there, but visibility was as good as it gets and the sky was completely clear; peaks were visible off in the distance that none of us could name.  I think the cold drove us to move; we got up there in record time with more than enough time to watch the sun go down (and start to freeze!), but everyone hung in there until the sky was nearly black except for the shimmering skyline and the half moon above. When we couldn't take the cold any more, we turned on our lights and headed down in the dark. Afterwards, all nine of us hit headed for dinner and hot chocholate, and we knew we'd earned it.