Thu, Mar 14 2013 - Gwinnett Stream Ecology Trails to Ivy Creek Greenway (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Ofelia
Participants:Rachel Jackson, irene, Ofelia, Janice, Jack Davis, Barbara B

Write Up:

Five AOC members enjoyed a sunny and cool day hiking the trails of Gwinnett Heritage & Environmental Center and Ivy Creek. Welcome Rachel J and Barbara B, so nice to have Irene H joining us again with his 4-legged friend. So happy to have Jack enjoying our AOC hikes while in Georgia for the Winter. We did our usual Stream Ecology Loop, and made sure that we took our break at the 1st Council Ring.  It was so nice to see this little Jungle with Zip Lines and Obstacle Course for the Youngins. We moved on to the Homesite trail, but this time we took the loop behind the 2nd Council Ring and then returned to the bridge leading to the Ivy Creek trail. We all took a moment to enjoy the soothing sound of the water flowing down the creek, and watched the dam's waterfall. Finally, we moved on to enjoy the sound of birds singing while seeing them flying from one tree limb to another. It was still sunny even as we returned to our cars by 6:55pm.  What a great walk! Thank you guys and see you soon!