Fri, Jul 12 2013 - Columns aka Cochran Shoals to Sope Creek Hike - Starting at Columns Drive (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Libby G, Joyce T.
Participants:Libby G, Laura C, Toni, Lisa W, Beth Ash, Vilma C., Joyce T., ChrisL, Dave S, Carm H, Tim W

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Write Up:

We dodged the rain bullet and had a fantastic, dry hike from Cochran Shoals to Sope Creek and back. Libby kept a fast pace, so that we were back at the parking lot just before 8 pm.  The group was up for it, so we had no stragglers as we dodged the bikers coming at us along the trail.  We stopped for a few water breaks and some photos, but otherwise used the time to cover distance on the trails. Eight of us gathered at Tijuana Joe's after the hike for some liquid refreshment and dinner . . always a nice way to celebrate a good hike.