Wed, Aug 21 2013 - Rain or Shine - Johnson Ferry, North (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Divya N, Lemmy
Participants:Lemmy, Priscilla, Divya N, Peter B, Lisa W, howard, Tim W, Eve, Judy, Deb R

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Write Up:

Yeah! Divya's second co-led hike. Way to go.  Here's her write-up:

We had a determined set of 10 hikers on this one. The trails were intermittently barred by spider webs indicating lesser used trails; but that did not discourage us. The latter half of the trail was laden with overgrown shrubs; we bushwhacked a little bit to get to the end only to be presently surprised at being on the opposite side of Morgan Falls Dam! Our group crossed quite a few pipes with the poise of ballet dancer! A hike of about 4.7 miles in two hours saw everyone in great spirits at the end of it.. Thanks everyone for coming out, hope to see you all in the future!
