Thu, Oct 17 2013 - Autrey Mill - Shutdown Escape! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Che, Divya N
Participants:Che, Divya N, DonW, Gloria, Thelma, Savon Johnson, Stan, James M, Amanda

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Write Up:

The rains stopped right before our hike and it was fun. The trails were damp, but that didn't dampen our spirits. Autrey Mill doesn't have a lot of trails so we doubled up on a couple of them to make up for mileage. Autrey Mill is quite scenic with well-maintained trails. We passed a teepee, a few monkey statues and a gold mine. There were several bridges and other projects courtery of eagle scouts. Autrey Mill is certainly gearing up for halloween and the place was decorated with a lot spooky stuff!! It was nice to be out on a rainy day. Thank you everyone for coming :)