Sun, Jun 1 2008 - Etowah River Canoeing (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Steven K
Participants:Steven K, Jason Hicks, cynthia, edwin bello, Melanie Dixon, Cristy, Lynn B, Jaci Fletcher, Geri Dominguez, EB, Steve Wilder, Tracey Steiner, Pat McElroy

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Write Up:
The day did not start out for the trip as I received a phone call at 8 AM from Appalachian Outfitters saying a line of storms were moving through Dahlonega. When we discussed this at the carpool location everybody was still up for driving up there and going on the trip. By the time we got to the launch point, it was raining with some lighting. However again the group elected to go on with the trip, so we gathered our canoe, kayaks, life vests and paddles and started down the Etowah River.

The rained picked up a little as we started at about 11 AM, but then soon tapered off and finally stopped. By the halfway point, the sun was out. The river was a little low but still fairly easy to navigate. The rapids on the Etowah were a little less than advertised, probably due to the low current, but as you can see from the pictures we still had a canoe overturn. Most of the river was pretty isolated and we only saw a couple of other canoers and a couple of groups on the bank fishing. Shortly before 3 PM we reached the takeout point where our cars were waiting for us. After that most of us enjoyed a meal at a Mexican restaurant in Dawsonville.

Steven's Pics

Tracey's Pics

Lynn's Pics