Sun, Jan 11 2015 - Sunday Morning at Gold Branch (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Deb R, Ron S
Participants:Deb R, Ron S, Carm H, Toni, Janice, Sheila C, Jane Z, Amanda Paniagua

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Write Up:

The latest Sunday morning fitness hike on the Gold Branch Trail was a typical good time including: taking the wrong route to the rock overhang, having to scramble up THAT hill again, almost losing one hiker to slippery leaves covering a dropoff, wildlife (Canada geese, woodpeckers, several cute and friendly canines and children), lots of huffing and puffing up the hills, great views of the calm river/reservoir above Morgan Falls Dam and of course, the bullet hole comet.  Not typical was the FROZEN Chattahoochie River.  :-)

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Write up by RonS, hopefully soon to be a "real" trip leader.