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Blue and Red Trails at Sweetwater Creek

The Basics:
Event Type:Hike
Event Location: Sweetwater Creek State Park near Lithia Springs on the East side of Atlanta; out I-20
Date(s) & Time:Sun, May 31 2009  11:00 am >> N/A  (Carpool Departure: 10:45 am   *log in for location*)
Registration Opens: Thu, May 21 2009 7:05 pm
Registration Cut Off: Fri, May 29 2009 11:45 pm
Event Duration:should last 3-4 hours max, with the shortened mileage. and travel to and from park and ride lot
Difficulty Rating:D3: Moderate
Trip Leader(s):
Ralph Howard
Email Trip Leader(s)
You must be logged in to get the Trip Leader contact information.
Member Cost:None

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 21 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:16
Minimum Group Size:8
Number Registered So Far: 19 / 0 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: Yes


Todays hike will be at the red and blue historical trails--Blue first so we can lunch at the waterfall on Sweetwater Creek or the ruins of the Mill on the red trail, time dependent. 

This trip, being led for the third time, because of two weather related cancellations, will give first dibs to fellow sufferees of cancellatinon before opening on the 21st of the month for open enrollment. .

We are meeting at THORNTON ROADS' park and ride.   We will all meet at the Marta park and ride lot off of Thornton Road exit off of Highway 20 WEST-towards Alabama, close to Sweetwater Creek (only several miles from the park) to minimize use of this rather limited parking space at the main lot close to our trails.

Sweetwater Creek State park is a great hiking resource and great in the totality of hiking experiences offered there, from scenic rapids and Sweetwater Falls to wildflower displays from early spring through summer. Starting at 11am, we should be finished by 2:30-3pm, after which you all can scatter to the winds and do what you do in the ATL. on a Sunday afternoon. 

Be prepared for the casual to moderate pace, and 4 1/2 - 5 miles total length workout upon arriving at the park and ride lot. I am assured by the park ranger that the crowd really picks up on Sunday about 1pm after later church services let out. I know I am coming directly from an early church service. I am asking that all peeps meet at the park and ride lot only, because this park is a popular park for all of the public and their dogs; and DO NOT want to take any extra vehicles-NO exceptions unless you live extremely closeby, then I need to know by e-mail or phone call, to keep the number of cars taken to Sweetwater as low as possible. I  want to avoid selfish overuse of their somewhat limited parking. Before or after the hike, we will visit the fantastic new 'green building' visitor center that uses many moderrn-green environmentally friendly building measures and has a great history display and gift shop extrodinaire.

Relax, read the morning paper while sipping coffee, go to early church service, then join us for this pleasant hike in beautiful Sweetwater State Park.  With distance shortened to five miles, we will be able to get back with our details of life more quickly as well. 

We will be doing the blue trail, then red. The total mileage for both is 4 1/2 to five miles total there will be an added option at the end of the hike, any of us who just love each other, and need to stay together can dine at the nearby decent BBQ restaurand or T J Applebees in the Kroger shopping center. This is completely optional wand will happen by chemistry of others, (or not)  I am hoping for the chemistry part.

Required Items to Bring:
  • two liters or quarts of water or more depending on expected temps that day plus other hydrating fluids as gatorade, etc.
  • trail snacks and lunch, to be enjoyed at 2 proper stopping points and dependent on time and peeps hunger pangs-talk to the leader if hungry-I like eating too and will try to sense the time and place that will properly host our group sitting down and eating lunch. and the trail snacks if portable can be consumed when you desire.
  • Supportive hiking shoes or boots for the often rocky terrain
  • clothes appropriate for the temps and weather
  • Recommended Items to Bring:
    Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.
  • camera for taking pics of abundant scenery and beautiful peeps and dogs that always inhabit AOC hikes (and all hiking clubs-summpin' 'bout the outdoors that makes people from all walks of life happy and beautiful. (Gods beauty displayed in nature)
  • sense of wonder and amazement for this gorgeous park so close to Atlanta (along with many others we are blessed with in and around the city)  
  • your doggies or pups if old enough to venture out without harm from poor coordination, if you want to bring them. I believe the park requires them to be leashed, and I ask that they are well socialized dont want to bite people or other dogs, PLEASE. We can make exception for one or two dogs that dont quite get along if they tail behind the group; (biting and bad around people is unacceptable however), as I will ask for and get a 'sweep' on this hike to guide people and watch over the back of the group.
  • prayers for good weather, even if you worship the Sun or Fire Gods, whatever non violent religioun--prayer is helpful and welcome!

  • How to Get There:
    Event Directions:From Atlanta travel outside of the I-285 perimeter on I-20 west, (towards Alabama); pass several exits including Six Flags, look closely for Thornton Road, on the right side of the highway and exit here. The exit number is 44 for Thornton Road. Turn right at the top, travel not even tenth of a mile to N.Blairs bridge road and turn right again. AT the top of this road, it splits left and right. Turn right an down into the lower part of this elongated park and rideclose to the road. We will meet and coordinate from here. Gather, mingle and await signing of waivers before carpooling and instruction to leave.
    Carpool to Event Distance (round trip):7Mile(s)
    Carpool Departure Time: 10:45 am
    Carpool Location:   Log in for location
    Carpool Directions:   Log in for directions
    Carpool Cost: Estimated cost per vehicle for this event is $2.80 using a reimbursement rate guideline of $0.400 per mile. The total amount should be divided by the number of people in the vehicle, including the driver. This is a guideline, not a rule, for drivers but the cost should not be higher unless there are extenuating circumstances.

    nothing but your leader has an impish,irreverent and strange sense of humor from time to time (ok-most to all of the time) BE as prepared for that. BE prepared much moreso to enjoy a great scenic park at a casual enough pace to enjoy it and 'stop and smell the roses' or wildflowers abundant here and look at and enjoy the scenic beauty!
    * We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines while participating in AOC events.

    Cost Includes:Cars will be expected to pay a buck each for the passengers, with drivers bearing no expense if possible, towards the 3 dollar per car fee due here at envelope payment systme kiosks at the park, or collected by the ranger at the road front bkiosk--building.

    Cancellation/Partial Attendance:   Please review the AOC cancellation policy.
    *Note: As on all trips I expect people to remove themselves from the full event as soon as you know you cant make it for the many reasons that come up in real life, giving others an ample chance to be added from the waiting list and called by leader to confirm they know they have been added. This is just plain common decency and consideration for all others. This park is a gift, I consider beautiful because of its variety of scenery; abindant wildflowers that I used to travel a hundred miles or more to photograph; and I want to enjoy it with the full sixteen people allowed on the trip.