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Going with the Flow to the Dam

The Basics:
Event Type:Water
Event Location: Island Ford CRNRA Boat Ramp   Water: Going with the Flow to the Dam  National Weather Service Forecast
Date(s) & Time:Sat, Feb 1 2025  9:30 am >> Sat, Feb 1 2025 12:15 pm  (Carpool Departure: 9:30 am   *log in for location*)
Registration Opens: Wed, Jan 29 2025 11:11 am
Registration Cut Off: Fri, Jan 31 2025 11:11 am
Event Duration:2 Hours 45 Minutes
Difficulty Rating:D3: Moderate
Distance:9 Miles
Trip Leader(s):
Email Trip Leader(s)
You must be logged in to get the Trip Leader contact information.
Member Cost:None

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 21 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:6
Minimum Group Size:2
Number Registered So Far: 7 / 0 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: No


The flow rates are up & down these days, so we're GOING WITH THE FLOW today. This paddle will be from Island Ford's Boat Ramp down to the Dam at Morgan Falls Overlook Park.

We'll be doing a little bit of exploring along the way to shake things up a bit so it's 8 solid miles, plus a lil extra for expolring. Lotsa "cool" areas open up with the bigger water. Maybe we'll see how far UP Big Creek we can get...or the backwaters near Carp Bay, or Gold Branch Ponds.....we'll see.

Self-Shuttling is an option so bring a "yak-buddy!" I can shuttle 3-4 people, plus boats & ADD a note at sign up if you need a shuttle, I will need a volunteer to shuttle me BACK to IF after the event, so let me know if you can assist. Self-Shuttlelers can drop a car at the take out at Morgan Falls in Sandy Springs around 9.30 a.m. and roll out toward IF early enough so we can have paddles in the water by 10-ish. Island Ford's boat ramp is at the end of a long road, but you can drop your boat and gear by the gates and drive back up to park (must have a CRNRA PASS). Once back down to the gate the grassy field that leads to the boat ramp is pretty long and can be muddy...actually both locations have LONG distances for carrying a boat, be prepared for that too. ...especially at MF's it may be muddy, flooded.

We'll be traveling over the shoals by IF in water that has been moving at excess of 5,000+ cf/s so this isn't necessarily a beginners paddle event at, cold, dirty water, and muddy finishing conditions require a bit of experience, so if you don't have a lot, and I have not paddled with you before - expect a call from me before I allow you to come out.


FLOW RATES:  USGS | Monitoring Station 


Required Items to Bring:

Kayak or canoe
PFD - at min. it must be on vessel in plain sight
Drinking water/hydration

Recommended Items to Bring:
Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.



How to Get There:
Event Directions:

Take out is at Morgan Falls Park - be prepared for a LONG, uphill portage!
400 Morgan Falls Rd, Sandy Springs, GA 30350

We'll set shuttle at 9.30 am (be on time, or early) and hurry over to Island Ford to drop in as soon as possible.

Drop in is at the Boat Ramp - Island Ford CRNRA (parking passes/fees required) 1978 Island Ford Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30350 - the boat ramp road goes off to the right just BEFORE the Visitors Center....see GPS link above for DROP IN LOCATION - also another long-ish boat portage.

Carpool to Event Distance (round trip):8Mile(s)
Carpool Departure Time: 9:30 am
Carpool Location:   Log in for location
Carpool Directions:   Log in for directions
Carpool Cost: Estimated cost per vehicle for this event is $3.20 using a reimbursement rate guideline of $0.400 per mile. The total amount should be divided by the number of people in the vehicle, including the driver. This is a guideline, not a rule, for drivers but the cost should not be higher unless there are extenuating circumstances.


it may say 9.30 - but try to arrive b4 that to load boats & set shuttle...I want to be on the water by 10am!! 

Parking is free at MF 

IF requires the CRNRA fee/tag to park., arrive early and get your yearly pass!

If there is a waitlist that means the shuttle is full, and you'll have to see about buddying up with someone to do an seperate shuttle.
Solo shuttle options are a thing too, just be sure you're cool dropping off your boat at IF and leaving all your gear there....I might be able to squeeze you into the Sasquatch to bring you back up to IF from MF, just communicate that with TL so no one is left out or behind.

* We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines while participating in AOC events.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance:   Please review the AOC cancellation policy.