Sun, Jul 20 2008 - Explorer: Steward Springs Cave (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Lee Harris, Tony Theriault
Participants:Tony Theriault, Lee Harris, Melanie Dixon, Cristy, Lynn B, MATT S, Karen Hall, Evie Caperton, Kelly Harris, rmarentes

Write Up:
Wow! This was a true "explorer" trip. The morning started out right with the Chastain exit to the P&R closed for construction. Lee made a flurry of last minute calls to all the participants to advise on alternate routes to the carpool. ne new member mistook Chastain P&R for Chastain Park in ATL. Lee graciously awaited her arrival, and gave extra time for anyone else to find their way. I went on early with the first arrivals to meet the property owner for picking up the key and directions to the cave. As we headed on into AL I was not paying attention and we missed our turn into Ft Payne. Just a 15 minute delay, and Lee nearly coaght up with us by the time we met with the owner and were on our way to the cave. The Cave owner owner informed me that the cave has been resurveyed and is actually twice the old survey length, making it 2.5 miles. Most people look to reach "Destination Falls" a 40' waterfall at the back of the cave. The cave passage is a nice combo of wet passage, crawling, climbing, mud, formations to avoid breaking, and general tough going. It is definately not an easy cave. The owner Ken gave me a paper map, which I promptly got wet and ruined. Guess I should have taken Ken's advice and given it to one of the women for safe-keeping. It was hard to tell on the map where we were anyways, and no map just results in more exploration, the whole point of the trip. We eagerly added to the actual mileage of the cave passage covered by repeating dead- end routes, We had to independently verify for ourselves, more than once, where it did not go, how tight the passage became or that the water really did sump under the ceiling over there. In true US Marine form, Matt kept full-watch at the rear and made sure no was left behind. Eight of the 10 did eventually make to the waterfall at the back of the cave. I (Tony T) turned back around 3/4 of the way in, to bo back with one very achy participant Lynn. Lee led the way in, exploring every side passaage along the way, but will no way admit to ever being lost given his self proclaimed excellent navagational senses. I do admit getting confused at one point on the way back, and passed by a climbdown hole several times, and retruning to the same spot to retrace my steps. Lynn obviously got no comfort following me back and forth over the same ground several times. I would say she was rather anxious to get the hell out, and I don't blame her. I was also getting a little anxious about the rest of the crew further in, after about 6 hours of caving. We took a long break for head-clearing R&R and snack. Then went back to the same way traveled twice before and found the egress. We proceeded on slowly with frequent breaks. After another 30 minutes or so, a great commotion of voices and came barreling in behind us. Lee and company were catching up quick. I was just glad to stop thinking about going back in to look for them. Our youngest caver Evie, a first timer, was completely worn out by the crawling, fear of darkness, fear of lostness, and was motivated by the desire not to be left behind. Our other first timer Ruben, "enjoyed the cave for at least a year", meaning he has no desire to do this cave again until next year. The idea of 4 hours in the cave was shattered. We exited the gate cold, battered and hungry after more than 7 hours. All modest was lost in the desire to remove the muddy wet clothes for something warm and dry. We saddled up and drove into the first food ominously empty Mexican restaurant in Ft Payne. We indulged in cheap mediocre Tex-Mex, without the Margaritas. It is a dry county, especially on Sundays. The post-trip mealtime conversation focused around typical subjects like where to find the best transgender strippers in ATL, drinks that don't leave a hangover, and general debachery. Around 9pm we made our way to Atlanta. Lee flashed his lights at us in the car ahead, then called my cell. "We need a place to pull over. Christy's gotta puke, and not in my truck!" After aboout a mile we pulled into the vacant parking lot of a fireworks store. Guess it wasn't appropriate or the timing wasn't right. Lee speeds ahead a quarter mile before rolling onto the shoulder. Further details will have to come from the those in the truck. We pulled far enough ahead not to witness the ordeal. So on back to Atlanta we rolled. Made back to the carpool 14 hours after we left. Tomorrow we will all have stories to tell, bruises to show, and a really good cave on the check-off list.