Thu, Oct 9 2008 - TAG Fall Cave-In (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Cristy, Lee Harris
Participants:Lee Harris, Cristy, Kelly Harris, Lynn B, Denise Millon, Charlie Cottingham, Joshua McKinley, Michael J

Write Up:
The 31st Annual TAG Cave-in was a huge success. While the AOC only had a small number of people in attendance there were about 1,150 NSS members and guests in total. Our group showed up just after dark on Thursday where we set up camp, mingled with a few others, did a little vendor shopping and then went back to our campsite for some beverages and laughs. Friday we were up early and split into 2 groups. The horizontal group hooked up with some other people at the SCCI tent and did Tally Cave. They got back early and had a relaxing evening. Our other group did 2 vertical pits. The first was an 88' drop through a small hole. The second and much more impressive looking drop was a 3 ledge drop. The first was an 80' drop to a large ledge then about 8 steps to a 35' drop and then about 10 steps to a 20' drop. We used the same rope for all 3 drops. This was a big open pit. The climb up def made you work. Our group got back to camp at 11pm. enough time to drink a beer, make dinner and pass out. Saturday the group stayed together and we went and explored Petijohns a little. We played inside the cave for about 4 hrs where we got to do tight squeezes, rock climbs, bouldering, etc. We got back to camp early to take showers and eat to prepare for the huge bonefire. This thing is about 50' and burns all night...WOW! We stayed up into the weee hours of the morning having fun before falling asleep. Sunday inlcuded breakfast and packing up camp before the drive back to Atlanta. Here is the picture link