Sun, Aug 16 2009 - 10 Mile Kennesaw Mountain Morning Fitness Hike - Intermediate to Advanced Hikers (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Danny
Participants:Danny, Rosa C, Scott J, brenda, Sara, Marshall, Barbara T, Ava, Elaine Davis, Pam G, Michael, gheetl, Mike H, Jon, Kathy Malone, Lorin Lichten, Karen B, Kris Erickson

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Write Up:
Clouds covered Big Kennesaw on the way to it this morning.  I was hoping that would mean some cool walking at the top.  It wasn't very hot, but the humidity was way up there so that you felt hot and the sweat rolled.  Everyone got there early or just in time, so we pulled out as planned right at 7:30.  We made good time, getting to Burnt Hickory within an hour.  After a small break, we pressed on to Cheatham Hill the hard way.  Took a short break at the Illinois Monument then started heading back.  We took the Pigeon Hill bypass then hit Little Kennesaw pretty hard.  After another small break on the Mountain Road, we pressd on over Big Kennesaw then back down to the visitor's center.  We had one slightly sprained ankle on Little Kennesaw, but he pressed on and took the Mountain Road down to take it easy on it.  Everyone seemed to have that sense of accomplishment that happens at the end of these hikes.  That's why we do this.  Let's do it again sometime soon.
