Fri, Oct 2 2020 - Blood Mountain from Lake Winfield Scott and the Freeman Trail (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Participants: |  | DanR, Jean, Laurie T, Linda F, Ken, Joseph Wang, Kathleen S., Judy, Leah |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:A brilliant fall morning greeted our merry band at Lake Winfield Scott and the intrepid group made quick work of the rough traverse across the Freeman Trail and the steep ascent up Blood Mountain. We greeted a fair number of fellow citizens on the trail, likewise enjoying the last of the lush greenery just as the seasonal drama of color begins. At the summit, we shared conversation and basked in the warm sunshine... a surprise after the cool and breezy morning! After a brief rest atop the mountain, we reluctantly gave up our scenic perch and returned to civilization.