Sat, Nov 26 2022 - Saturday Morning on the Homestead Trail (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Joyce T.
Participants:Joyce T., Marie-Felixe, Sue M., Mike C, Amy, Gloria Colley, Barbara, Dolores H, Ellen M, Michael, Jay L, Lisa C, Rebecca, Karley

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Write Up:

Congratulations to Marie-Felixe upon reaching her 300th AOC hike today at Red Top Mountain - - a place she had never hiked until today! She was surrounded by close friends as well as a few newbies whom we welcomed into the club - - Lisa, Ellen, and Barbara.

The hike was great with clear skies, mild temperatures, and beautiful views of Lake Allatoona aa we made our way back and forth on the White Tail Trail and clockwise around the Homestead Trail.

Thanks to all for making Marie-Felixe's event so special. ~ Joyce