Fri, May 3 2024 - Rabun Bald and Flat Top Mountain (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Chuck M, Mahsheed
Participants:Chuck M, Mahsheed, Kip, Laura M, Laura S, Andrea B, David W., Trish, Linda F, Marnita

Write Up:

We had a great group of 10 hikers on this uncommon hike across Flat Top Mountain, on to Rabun Bald and Flint Knob. All the odds were against having a good time on this drizzley day, especially after enduring 9 miles on a pretty terrible Forest Service road. Despite all going against it, we had a great time. I loved meeting people I had not hiked with before, and hearing the vibrant conversation along the way. While we got to know each other the rain slacked off then stopped, and didn't come back until near the end when we were quite warm, so it was rather welcome. Despite the poor visibility we got some beautiful views. If I can just figure out how to get airlifted to the trailhead, I'd love to do it again!
