Sat, Jul 31 2010 - Chatt NRA - Vickery Creek (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Garret
Participants:Garret, Angela, Joe, Arvind Shah, Holley M, Joel K, YUKO, Carol Mitrisin, Brian, Dan A, Al, Pedro R

Write Up:
The day started out with clear skies and temperatures in the high 70's, which was cooler than expected. There was a little excitment when one of the AOCers (Al) found and reported three purses in the parking lot bushes. Al gave the police a short statment and the group hit the trail at about 8:10am. The goal for the morning was to complete the outer loop (3.5 miles) with two breaks at the Oxbo Creek bridge and the dam. The group took a 10 minute stop at Oxbo Creek and did a little exploring of big creek. At this point the temperature starting creeping up and the group took about a 20 minute break at the dam to cool off and enjoy the scenery and socialize a bit more. At 10:20am we completed the 3.5 mile loop and a smaller group of 11 AOCers decided to do the 3 mile inner loop before it got too hot. We took a slower pace and got back the parking lot at around 11:30am.