Sun, Oct 31 2010 - Sunrise Series: Cochran Shoals (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Sharon, Tanja B
Participants:Tanja B, patti, Sarang Tipre, Joel K, Eloisa I, cliff j, Sharon, Joan

Write Up:
Eight bright-eyed folks greeted the sun at Cochran Shoals on a beautiful, peaceful, Sunday morning. We walked along the river, sharing soft conversation, watching the geese, listening to the morning birds, spotting a commorant perched in silhoutte on a branch overlooking brilliantly hueued fall foliage highlighted by the rising sun.  We then picked up the pace considerably for a bit, climbing up to the Sope Creek area and to Sibley Pond.  All was quiet there, so we returned at a comfortable pace inland to the parking lot and the proper start of our days.